Friday, 4 July 2008

one down >> one to go + omg a TAG!!!

yes, I am pleased to announce that we have all survived the first week of school holidays!!

Mackinley has spent 2 days in Vacation Care and today we drove to his god-mother's house on the Sunshine Coast only to find they'd gone shopping. I tell ya....she really tested my ability to contain 2 freakin' "I've been sitting in a car for 1.5 hours!!" boys while we waited for another half hour for them to return. Silly me always forgets to put her mobile number in my phone....that'll learn ya Gi!!

And it ALWAYS rains when we plan to we are consistent. (p.s. the rain was GOOD.)

Lovely park morning yesterday with Rainer. We have ONE fully fenced park in our area and we turned up to find the biggest gate was dodgy and the one I've told council to fix, still hasn't been fixed. No matter. Rainer was a delight!!

I wore him out because I had a MOUNTAIN of shopping to do (and therefore cooking) and he was AWESOME!!
Won't try that again soon. Not into tempting fate just yet.

I'm a big fat chicken!! Here's what happened last Friday night when Michael and I tried to give Rainer his new meds....

and I haven't tried since (man I loved that jumper...and yep, it stinks!!). Have joined some new yahoo groups to get some help. There are lots of different ASD-types so I had to trowl through hours of posts to find SOMETHING that might work for Rainer. I think I found the answer!! It has to do with a visit to my local Vet and Mackinley's god-mother (who's a clinical psych) has some good tips too.......STAY TUNED!!

I really can't remember last time someone thought so much of me to tag me. Thank you to the beautiful Melanie (a cyber-BFF!!) for this one....

I never really know who's reading my drivel some days, but I stick to the belief that this is MY PERSONAL BLOG and others are invited to I persist (not in a negative way...)


and now to PAY IT FORWARD I have to nominate 7 blogs/people that inspire me and have just scrummy-loveliness to share....

hmmmmmmm.....only 7?????

Charm, Kerry, Sonia, Bon, Kate, Belinda, Karlene

and if I were to pick more....
Claudine Hellmuth, Kelly Rae Roberts, the girls at IOD, NgaireB, Loretta, Michelle Coleman, Donna Downey, my friends Kylie and Angela (who are REAL artists and Art Teachers, and authors - they don't have blogs, but they should)

and you know what...looking through my list (the one in the side-bar needs a serious overhaul!!) there isn't one I wouldn't give it to. For every different reason, know only to me, all of these women (and a couple of blokes too) deserve praise for giving someone out there motivation and inspiration.

Do I suck up??? Not on your you know this is genuine. I have no reason to get all mooshy and sappy - I want nothing...only genuine friendship and trust. Some take it, some don't and that's fine. It just simplifies my life LOL.

now, where was I????? these damn "tangents"

I'm looking forward to all of tomorrow......
2 classes with the wickedly divine Ngaire B. I promise (hand on heart) that I will behave and not get cranky and snappish at Cherie when she asks me to pass something to her. I will gaze lovingly into her sweet face and offer to her the item she requests.
Mandy is turning 40. She's a divine 40. She reminds me of Zena except she has reddish hair, 3 children, a husband, a house and lovely manners. Going solo (YAY, JUMPING IN DELIGHT..) so Michael can stay home and be himself (read into that whatever you will) while I cut loose!!!!

be brighter and buoyant.....


  1. Thanks for the tag Gi.

    I will pop it up next time I update.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  2. Gigi, your style and art always inspires me so I couldn't imagine a better person to tag. Choosing 7 is so hard, like you all my buddles have a special style and inspire me in all different ways.

    Im glad that the school holidays are going well, heres to the second week. Lol

  3. thanks Gi....feel special to be tagged...

  4. Thanks G you are special too i will get to this tag as soon as i work out how to do iy lol.take care Kerryxx

  5. oh good one, does that mean i have to update ROFl, feelinging warm fuzzies, thanks heaps :)
