Even though the park address the council gave me was a vacant lot under the Gateway overpass, so madly checked the UBD to find a close enough park before Bon turned up.
Met Bon's Mum and sister, they left her in my "capable" hands while I started driving in the WRONG direction to the new playground . Did the required U-turn and drove to the newey which was fantastic!!!
Unloaded the kids and just pretty much chilled. It was great!!!! All the boys got on well (gave Kyle and Dyland the "Rainer" chat) but Lacey kept crying everytime she looked at me!!
What was that about???? Kids LOVE me!!!!!
I made sure Bon kept up her fitness regime (pmsl). Hard to do in a denim skirt, eh Bon!!!
We managed a decent conversation in there somewhere.
2 sleeps to go
look what greeted me last week
Mum walked to get Mackinley from school last Wednesday, and while Mum said he grumbled all the way ("My legs hurt", "Mum never makes me walk!" {liar}) he managed to make me the happiest Mum for that moment.
The last few weeks, I've had the Paediatrician appt, Speech Therapy appt, GP appt last night (was running 2 hours behind, poor thing. we love him anyway!!), organised stuff for the boys for the week ahead, finished Rainer's social story,
schedules, emails to schools, my Naturopath appt, Chris' 40th Birthday Party,
even our 40th birthday invites!! (yummy Christina Re paper)
I think I deserve that holiday now! Can't wait to see Michael!!!!!
brighter and buoyant
very excited!!!